- "Then he drifted back to Lake Superior, and he was still searching for something to do on the day that Dan Cody's yacht dropped anchor in the shallows along shore"(105). This quote is said by Nick and he is talking about when Dan Cody showed up with his yacht. When he shows up he sees Gatsby and askes him if he wants to make money and he accepts. This is related tyo the chapter and is important because it shows us where Gatsby got his drive and ambiotions to making money.
- "I remember the portrait of him up in Gatsby's bedroom, a grey, florid man with a hard empty face..." (106). This quote shows that Gatsby and Cody were not just co-workers but they were best friends as well. Thius relates to the chpater and is important because none really knows what Gatsby does for money and how he has so much of it. The yacht business with Cody and him drove him to making money and such. The picture in his room shows he'll never forget who made him a rich man.
- "To young Gatz, resting on his oars and looking up at the railed deck, that yacht represented all the beauty and glamor in the world"(106). This is related to the chapter because it shows that he has a thing for money and the ocean. The reason this is is because he lives by the water side and has a great amount of money. Without Cody brining him on deck he would not feel this passion for money and the ocean.
- "He was employed in a vague personal capacity-while he remained with Cody he was in turn steward,mate, skipper, secretary and even jailor, for Dan Cody sober knew what lavish doing Dan Cody drunk might soon be about and he provided for such contingencies by reposing more and more trust in Gatsby" (106). This quote relates to chapter six because it shows how close they were. Everything Gatsby is driven for is because of Cody when he gave him that job.
The main part of the chapter i felt was when they introduced us to the man who made Gatsby who he is now which is Dan Cody. He gave Gatsby the drive to make money and be happy the rest of his life. All because he gave him a job on his yacht where he showed him how to get money. They had such a bond that he was suppose to get 25,000 from Gatsby when he died but never received it because of his wife stubbornness. That shows how much Cody was really looking out for Gatsby. So friendship and trust were a big thing shown in this chapter six as they introduced Dan Cody.
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