Quotes: Chapter Five
"If it wasn't for the mist we could see your home across the bay....You always have a green light that burns all night at the end of your dock" (94). This quote is being said to Daisy. Daisy has a green light at the end of her dock. Gatsby always seems to stare and gaze at daisy's light at the end of her dock.
"Gatsby, pale as death, with his hands plunged like weights in his coat pockets, was standing in a puddle of water glaring tragically into my eyes" (86). This quote is said by Daisy when she opened the door to the door bell ringing. At he door was Gatsby he seemed to be mad and upset looking into Daisy's eyes. Gatsby is uncertain about their love.
"This was a terrible mistake"(92). This quote is said by Gatsby he is speaking to Daisy he is telling her that he thinks this was a mistake. He is refering for falling for Daisy.
"I was in the drug business and then I was in the oil business but im not in either one now" (95). This quote is said by Gatsby. He is telling us what he had done previously for jobs. They thought Gatsby got all his money from inheritance. Gatsby tells them that he had jobs and that how he got some of his money also.
The main symbolism in this chapter is through the weather. We began to see a pattern in the book. Anytime Gatsby is upset it begens to become really nastyy outside and rains. Gatsby's mood affects the weather in this novel. Whenever Gatsby is happy the weather will be dry and sunny. When Gatsbty is upset it will start to rain and sometimes even pour. On page 88 it is pouring rain, this is because Gatsby is about to see Daisy and he is scared and nervous. The weather mirrors his feelings. Then after a half hour on page 93 he has met with Daisey and things are going good. The sun begans to peak through because Gatsby is happy and enjoying the time that he is spending with Daisy. On page 99 the rain starts to fall again. the rain is falling this time because it is time for Daisy to leave. Gatsby's mood is not happy he is very sad that she is leaving. Again the rain is mirroring Gatsby's sadness. The main symbolisn in this chapter is the weather. The aurthor incorporated the rain and the sun to depict the moods of Gatsby. This also shows that Gatsby is a man of great power.
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